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EuroEd Proiecte

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I am not scared

(KA1 Policy Cooperation and Innovation Studies and comparative research -

The bullying phenomenon is a main challenge, that all European educational systems have to deal with. The “I Am Not Scared” project, funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme (KA1 Policy Cooperation and Innovation), intends to identify the best European strategies to prevent and combat the bullying phenomenon.
The objectives of this action are to achieve comparative analyses of educational systems in the EU, with a view to ensuring an adequate supply of comparable data, statistics and analysis to underpin lifelong learning policy development, as well as to monitor progress towards objectives and targets in lifelong learning and to identify areas for particular attention


Many surveys carried out at European level highlight how the phenomenon of bullying is involving an high number of pupils.

The official research promoted by the European Council in 2008 has acknowledge that the average of pupils declaring being victim of bullying is around 32% with a range from country to country that varies from 25% do 45%.

These figures not only show how the phenomenon is extended, but describe a situation in which two fundamental rights of pupils are menaced: educational rights and personal security rights.

The surveys also highlight that the main reasons that lead to discrimination and bullying behaviours are linked to personal characteristics (weight, height, physical shortcoming etc.), disability, race, social conditions, cultural differences etc.
This lead to establish a link between the misleading representation of others that the pupils have and the bullying phenomenon.

For this reason it becomes more and more important that teachers and school staff in general develop the skills to understand the group dynamics within young people, to identify the lacking of capacity and willingness of youngsters to understand and tolerate the differences of other pupils and to prevent the creation of the conditions that lead to the conflict between the bullying pupil and his victim.


The project intends to identify the best strategies to prevent and combat the bullying phenomenon and provide Secondary school, Vocational Education teachers, Pupils and their parents and key policy makers in the field of education with a better understanding of the dynamics that can lead to the emerging and consolidating of the bullying phenomenon and of the most effective strategies and behaviours to tackle it.

The project will adopt a research-action approach in which the teachers, the pupils and their parents and the policy makers will be themselves the protagonists of the acquiring and understanding of the information, through their commitment to a transnational knowledge sharing experience on the theme of bullying prevention.

Specific objectives of the project are:

- Develop and share at European level, a better knowledge of the current state of art as far as the bullying phenomenon is concerned, through the gathering and reviewing of the most important documents (Surveys, Reports, Statistical data, Laws and regulations etc.) addressing the issue and of the results achieved by the main strategies and initiatives carried out so far at European level.
- Involve Secondary school and Vocational Education teachers, Pupils and their Parents and key policy makers in a common research-action activity in order to analyse exemplary case studies from their different point of view.

Project Partnership:

-    INFOREF, Belgium
-    Zinev Art Technologies, Bulgaria
-    Centre for Educational Research, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
-    School of Pedagogical and Technological Education ASPETE, Greece
-    Connectis, Italy
-    Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Don Lorenzo Milani, Italy
-    Pixel, Italy
-    Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
-    University of Seville, Spain
-    Wilsthorpe Community School, UK
-    EuroEd Foundation, Romania

Proiectul I am not scared este cofinanţat de Comunitatea Europeană. Conţinutul acestui material nu reflectă în mod obligatoriu poziţia Uniunii Europene şi nici nu implică vreo responsabilitate din partea acesteia.
