EuroEd Colibaba

Fundația EuroEd Deține un portofoliu de peste 100 de proiecte naționale și internaționale implementate cu succes.

EuroEd Iasi

Fundația EuroEd Facilitează schimburi de experienţe, de idei noi şi de bune practici pentru dezvoltare durabilă.

EuroEd Proiecte

Fundația EuroEd Dezvoltă parteneriate strategice, inițiază abordări interdisciplinare și propune soluții inovatoare.


TIK - Tradition and Innovation in Kindergarten




The project intends to focus on two priorities of the 2016 Erasmus + Call for proposals related to primary education:

Horizontal priority: Improve achievementin relevant and high-level basic and transversal competencesin a lifelong learning perspective, through formal or non-formal education and training, from early childhood education and care, over school education, youth activities, higher education and vocational education and training to adult learning.

Enhancing the quality of early childhood education and care (ECEC)in order to improve the quality of services for better learning outcomes and ensure a good start in education for all. In particular through projects aiming to develop a holistic and age appropriate pedagogical framework including professionalising the workforce for ECEC as well as ensuring that the benefits of early childhood education are carried through to other school education levels, and projects that develop new models of implementation, governance and funding for ECEC.


The project is addressed to pre- school teachers and students and it is based on the presentation through appropriate pedagogical and communication tools, based on images, drawings, pictures, easy media products of local traditional tales having a strong and direct connection with cultural and historical heritage of the local territories (statues, palaces, churches, objects etc.).

The project aims to:

Improve pre-school pupils basic and transversal competences through the use of traditional tales that are part of the local territory and their comprehension and communication through innovative audio-visual based approaches and tools

Promotion of a multidisciplinary and holistic approach to pre-primary education based on references to be made to historical, cultural, geographical and artistic issues in the presentation of the traditional tales and local cultural heritage of the children.

Promotion from Early childhood education and care of a learner-centred pedagogical approache where each single student involved in the project - supported by their teachers and the project experts - will find his/her own way to understand, interpret and comment traditional and locally rooted traditional tales.

IO 1 – Methodological and technical Teachers’ guide 

The project partners will produce a Guide addressed to teachers and focusing on the subject of improving achievement in basic and transversal competences within early and primary childhood education.

IO 2 – Repository of Traditional Tales Videos for Kindergardens