EuroEd Colibaba

Fundația EuroEd Deține un portofoliu de peste 100 de proiecte naționale și internaționale implementate cu succes.

EuroEd Iasi

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EuroEd Proiecte

Fundația EuroEd Dezvoltă parteneriate strategice, inițiază abordări interdisciplinare și propune soluții inovatoare.



Key Action:Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Action:Strategic Partnerships

Field:Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

Project Title:Flip your classes through multimedia enriched apprenticeship simulations and develop e-skills for VET teachers and students to enhance youth employability

Project Acronym:E-Classes

Ref. no.: 2017-1-RO01-KA202-037344                          

Project Start Date:01.10.2017


Project End date:30.09.2019

Applicant Organisation – P1:Technological High School of Mechatronics and Automation (Romania) -


P2:Fundatia EuroEd, Iasi (Romania) –

P3:Confederacion Espanola De Centros De Ensenanza Asociacion C.E.C.E. -

P4:Centro Superior De Formacion Europa SUR -

P5:Association "IT World BG" -

P6:Bulgarian Association of Networking Academies -

P7:CIPAT, Florence (Italy) -


P8:Pixel Associazione, Florence (Italy) -

 Aim of the project

The Commission's Education & Training Monitor shows that serious challenges remain across the EU, 22% of 15-year-olds underachieve in scientific disciplines and there is a significant mismatch between the educational institutions offer and the labour market needs. The rapid digital change in our society and economy means more demand for digital skills and competences. Education and training must address this need, which requires investment in infrastructure, training for teachers, organisational change and the development of high quality educational resources, including apps and software.

The project E-Classes responds to the urgency for Europe:  to develop professional and pedagogic competences among teachers and trainers enhancing ICT uptake in teaching and learning, through the support of learning and access to OER in the education and training fields with the aims to combining higher levels of excellence and attractiveness with increased opportunities for all.

E-Classes wants to help the VET teachers in revising and strengthening the professional profile and improving the attainment of young people, particularly those at risk of early school leaving and with low basic skills, developing a methodology especially focusing on the use of ICT.

The project’s main aim is to elaborate, train and experiment the flipped classroom pedagogic model improving VET teachers and students e-competences, also with the involvement of companies partnerships through multimedia enriched apprenticeship simulations for enhancing youth employability.

Specific objectives

- strengthen the e-skills and the adoption of practices of collaborative learning for teachers for science and technological disciplines;

- adopt an approach based on learning outcomes also suitable for low skilled learners and with risk of dropout;

- assimilate a sensitive culture to the value of non-formal and informal learning, supported alternative for learners less interested in the academic world, as well as at-risk groups; 

- acquire the tools to stimulate creativity and innovation through the learning of new knowledge to create and manage multimedia educational resources;

- stimulate students’ active and creative role with the use of ICT and OER in the learning process;

- bring companies in collaboration for creation of relevant educational products for students on job orientation and integration;


- offer training and exchange of experiences at EU level both for teachers and students

The project intellectual outputs, results and target group are the following:

O1–Guideline on Flipped classroom methodology and how to create and use it at class for science and technological disciplines and transdisciplinary areas

-1 Guide on flipped classes for VET - 8 thematic areas + 5 transdisciplinary disciplines

-8 video tutorials with presentation of the guideline modules


IO3-Flipped classes multimedia lessons 

-10 flipped classes multimedia lessons for science and technological disciplines/ country; 40 lessons;

-5 flipped lessons on transdisciplinary disciplines


IO4-Videos on job orientation and integration students-schools-companies

-Network of 12 companies from different working fields;

-12 videos on job orientation and integration students-schools-companies cooperation;

-2 pair “I Am Welcomed, Therefore, I Belong” E-Classes sessions (80 students + 8 teachers)


Learning/Teaching/Training Activities:

- Short-term joint staff training event for VET teachers (23 participants; 17 mobilities)

- Short-term joint staff training events for mixed target group – students and teachers (30 students and 10 teachers; 25 mobilities)


Multiplier Events:

-    8 Multiplier events, 240 participants
